Zo ziet de avondroutine van beautygoeroe Caroline Hirons eruit
Caroline Hirons (ze wordt ook wel ‘ns de Vivienne Westwood van de beauty-industrie genoemd) weet als geen ander wat goed is voor je huid. Deze Britse skincare koningin deelt graag met welke nachtproducten ze haar huid klaarstoomt voor de lente. En het leukste nieuws? Je kan ze allemaal shoppen via Zalando beauty!
Caroline wie?
Caroline is een gelauwerd schoonheidsspecialiste en auteur van het boek Skincare. Ze heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in haar vak.
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Ze consulteert en adviseert retailers en verzorgingslabels en geeft haar eerlijke, onverbloemde mening over producten die er écht toe doen. Dit zijn haar persoonlijke favorieten voor bedtijd:
De nachtroutine van Caroline Hirons
Stap 1: reinigen met de Rose Cream Cleanser van Pixi

Stap 1: reinigen met de Rose Cream Cleanser van Pixi
“A wonderfully rich yet gentle cleanse, this Pixi Rose Cream Cleanser is brilliant. In the evening, double-cleansing is an absolute must and this creamy formula removes makeup and SPF effortlessly so it’s perfect for your first or even your second cleanse. It will leave the skin soft, clean and calmed. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.”
Stap 2: Votary Face Cloths

Stap 2: Votary Face Cloths
“One of my missions in life is to rid the world of makeup wipes – always use a face cloth! These cloths are the ultimate luxury when you’re taking off your makeup and they’re re-usable (win-win!. These make the whole process that much more gorgeous and comforting.”
Stap 3: exfoliëren met de Alpha Beta Peel Pads Universal Formula van Dr Dennis Gross

Stap 3: exfoliëren met de Alpha Beta Peel Pads Universal Formula van Dr Dennis Gross
“These Dr Dennis peels pads are the Rolls Royce of acids. I have been using them for years. The first pad exfoliates, the second imparts all of the active ingredients designed to support the skin such as peptides and retinols. They are hardcore. In the best way.”
Stap 4: ogen verzorgen met de All About Eyes Rich van Clinique

Stap 4: ogen verzorgen met de All About Eyes Rich van Clinique
“Here’s another one I’ve been using for a long time. I love, LOVE an eye cream and this is no exception. It’s rich and luxurious but does not cause puffiness. It will hydrate, soften and soothe any eye bags you might be carrying round. It also works well under makeup if you’d like to use it as part of your morning routine.”
Stap 5: het Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex Serum van Estée Lauder

Stap 5: het Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex Serum van Estée Lauder
“This serum is an Estée Lauder best-seller and one of the most iconic products of all time for good reason. It’s a perfect one-stop night-time treatment but can also be used in the morning underneath your moisturiser and even topped up during the day.
This will work 24/7 to protect your skin but as the name suggests it works best when you’re resting and your skin is not being bombarded by external aggressors.”
Stap 6: insluiten met de Nordic Hydra Hydration Recharge Overnight Cream van Lumene

Stap 6: insluiten met de Nordic Hydra Hydration Recharge Overnight Cream van Lumene
“Sometimes, especially in the colder months, your skin may need a little extra boost of moisture and this is the easiest way to get it. Wash your face and throw this on, if you do this early on in the evening, you may find enough has absorbed when you go to bed and you may want to do a little top-up. It’s absolutely not necessary, just me being extra.”
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